Weapon Combining:
This process is done in any city in Battle Planet, except for the base cities (Andrew and Ganars). Its performed through the Composing Service Provider npcs, the option is called Weapon Composing, and the interface looks like this:
In order to combine a weapon, you need 1 of the 3 Weapon Composing Optimization cs chips (20%, 50% or 100% success rate) and 2 weapons of the same rank to get one of a higher rank. Weapons start at rank 0, so you would need 2 rank 0s to make a 1, 2 rank 1s to make a 2, and so on. For most weapons, if not all, the weapon's damage, energy consumption per regular shot, CI requirements & range increase, while interval modifications depend on the weapon type. Regarding Endgame 2h weapons, till rank 5 or so, as far as I remember:
- lasers become stronger but VERY slow, becoming 2nd in highest damage per hit, after particle cannons
- canisters keep their speed, but the lowest damage increase of all 2h type weapons
- cartridge guns become similar to lasers, this means high damage but VERY slow speed
- emag guns keep their speed, but become slightly weaker per shot than lasers & cartridge weapons (stronger than canisters though)
- part guns get huge damage increase, and also become faster.
- missiles get almost worthless stats (tiny damage increases, around 0.1 per rank, and -100 interval)
- axes & swords keep their speed, but get the worst damage bonuses (r5 axe is weaker than r3 laser, which is weaker than r0 particle...). Their critical chance goes up, but its outdamaged by r3 ammo anyways.
After ranking, dph: particle > laser > cartridge > emag > canister
Firing speed: emag = canister > cartridge > laser > particle
Finally, dps (what actually matters): particle = laser = cartridge = emag > canister
As for Endgame dual type weapons, I think:
- all but emag & particle keep their speed & get crappy damage increase
- emag & particle also get crappy damage increase, but become way faster.
Also, epic type weapons gain a bonus to critical damage after rank 3, this only applies if you are using other critical hit parts in your build. And since the new patch, they seem to be obtaining an additional damage bonus as well (from all builds, I believe).
Most weapons will also earn 1 additional active skill, though I don't know if those skills actually work.
Armor Combining is performed through an npc called High Composing Service Provider. Since this npc talks in Engrish as well, translating whatever it said wasnt easy, so the information below may not be accurate. Anyways, this npc has 5 options:
Parts Composition:
This is the one that allows you to combine armor parts.
- a gray/blue rank 19 part (must be either from the Executioner, Moloch or Night set)
- a part you want to combine to the rank 19 one (can be any rank)
- a cash shop Composing Chip of the same rank as that last part.
- Obtain a Rank 19 part (of the rank 19 set) + a rank 17 part + rank 17 Composing Chip.
- The rank 19 part goes in the main slot.
- The rank 17 one goes in the 2nd slot.
- The rank 17 Composing Chip goes in the 3rd slot.
- Click the lever thing, and done.
The new combined part will have both stats (if the rank 19 was blue). The original stats from the rank 19 one will remain static, while the new blue stat (transferred from your other part) will continue to increase when ranked up (not with frags, its a different process for these parts, and requires Cash Shop usage as well).
There are a few things to take into account:
- If you combine the rank 19 set part, to a lower rank part, you ll need to apply the knowledge points required to use rank 19 parts. The outcome part however will be of whatever rank the lower part was. So r14 part + r19 set part = r14 part with rank 19 stats & requirements.
- After combining, only the new blue stat will change when you rank the part, all other stats, including the white ones, will remain the same.
- If you combine a rank 19 set part to a higher rank part, which had more durability, then you LOSE that durability, and will be stuck with the rank 19 set part's one. Basically, r22 part + r19 set part = rank 22 part with rank 22 requirements but rank 19 set stats. This is something enhanceds needs to consider, since the Moloch Set got the worst durability bonus of all. Night body gets ~2.3k armor, thats a +~1k increase when compared to any reconfigured r19 neo body; Executioner gets ~2.6k armor, which is +~700 when compared to any reconfigured r19 nat body; but Moloch only gets ~2.7k armor, which is about as much dur as any other reconfigured r19 enh body (+0 bonus), and -1k by endgame (r25 huge lizard bodies get around 3.6k armor dur, so enhanceds get the worst durability bonuses with armor combining, followed by nat humans, whose r25 observer bodies are at around 2.4k dur).
Parts Transformation:
This option is a reconfiguration interface for the combined rank 19 parts. The combined armor part goes on the lone slot on top, and once you place it there, the interface will display the type of Nemo Crystal needed in order to rank the part up. You only need to have the crystal in your inventory, and its consumed automatically when you press the Reconfigure button (in a similar fashion to Dismantling Tools).
The Nemo Crystals are available in the Ingame Cash Shop (they range from "Nemo Crystal A type I" to "Nemo Crystal C type IV", I believe). Which means that if you combine, say, a rank 15 part to a rank 19 part, you ll have to spend real life money in order to rank it up (to buy the crystals). If you combine a rank 25 (25 is max rank possible) to the rank 19 part, then you would have the max rank already, so no money wasted on crystals. However, the cost of Combining Chips raises as the part's rank raises as well. In any case, I believe its actually cheaper to combine a part once its at rank 25 (it costs about 46xx CS points), than to rank it up from any lower rank, since the last 6 or so ranks (from 18 or 19 to 25) cost over 1.5k points each in Nemo Crystals.
Parts Transplant:
This is a continuation for the first option. Its used to replace the rank 19's "original" blue stat (the one that the rank 19 part had before being combined with another part, if any) for stats belonging to a purple rank 19 part.
- Obtain a "Clean" Blue Rank 19 part (for this example, it has + 10% Armor Dur).
- Combine it with a rank 17 part (for this example, it has +22 Armor Res) through the Parts Composition option (uses Composing Chip).
- The rank 19 part has now + 10% Armor Dur (its original stat, it ll remain static) & +22 Armor Res (its new stat, which will increase when you rank it up).
- Open the Parts Transplant interface.
- Place your combined (2 stat) Rank 19 part in the Auxiliary Devices slot.
- Place a purple rank 19 part (for example, it has +40% hitpoints and +12 Armor Heat Resistance) in the Main Devices slot.
- Place a Transplant Chip (from the Cash Shop) in the Transplantation Chip slot.
- Pull the lever.
- You obtain a new purple rank 19 part, which has the blue (reconfigurable) stat from your combined rank 19 part, and the 2 stats from the purple part (for this example, +22 Armor Res, +40% hitpoints, and +12 Armor Heat Resistance).
Material Composing:
This is an interface to combine the Nemo Crystals from the Cash Shop (eg, combine some "Nemo Crystal C type IV" to make a "Nemo Crystal C type V").
The description says that the "materials" (never heard of "materials", I guess its the Nemo Crystals) can go in any of the 5 slots, but that you also need to click on the numbers above to select the numbers of materials to be synthesized, AND that each number will make different results (wtf?).
The next paragraph almost gave me a headache, some of the symbols aren't even in standard ASCII (found out they are extended ASCII though). I reads:
"The best is to have the Material ¢¦ and the product will be displayed in the Product Slot in the down part."
Rofl. Anyways, there is no actual Product Slot (the bottom slot reads "Compositing Material" if you hover the mouse over it), and I have honestly no idea of what a ¢¦ is either.
I figured that the process is:
- Put 2 to 5 cs Nemo Crystals in the material fields.
- Interpret "different results" as "different success rates" (like when combining chips).
- Click the button with the number corresponding to the amount of crystals you wish to use.
- Higher rank crystal will (or will not, depending on success rate) appear in the slot at the bottom.
That ^ is all theory anyways. For all I know, it could be a virtual soda vending machine. Those were you put some coins in the slot, push the number/button of the drink you want, and it ll come out through the opening "in the down part".
Upgrading of the Equipment:
This function adds a secondary ranking system to your r19 combined parts, & to your ranked weapons as well.
- Drop the the part/weapon in the middle slot
- Drop some Advance Upgrading Crystals (they drop in DV instances) in the slots around it
- Click the button above specifying how many of these crystals you want to consume.
The lines in red at the bottom of the description contain a warning explaining that if the process fails, then the weapon/part will lose some (secondary) ranks, and the higher the rank it is, then the more ranks it will lose if it fails. Pic:
There is an item called Gold Stable Chip in the Cash Shop, which I believe adds 5% success rate. In the Cash Shop can also be found another version of the crystals, meant for parts whose secondary rank is above 10.
For weapons, the secondary rank increases their Hitpoints (base damage), while for armor parts, it improves both their Armor and Energy Shield Durability (credits to Myr for clarifying this info).
Adding slots & more attributes to your (preferably rank 19) parts:
The Amplitude Organ Service Dealer npc allows you to further improve the quality of your parts. This means, it enables to you to create additional slots to your Head, Body, Arms and Legs, where you can place Amplitude Organs (the organs are currently being dropped by all Assault type bosses, credits to Myr for that info). These organs give additional bonuses to your durability (either armor or energy shield), and damage (either shooting or combat). This npc has 4 options, detailed below.
Turn on the Organ Notch:
This option allows you to create additional slots to your arm, leg, head or body. Since ultimately you will be aiming for rank 19 combined purple parts, its better to add slots to those. The interface is quite self explanatory:
You just drop the part in the slot to the left, an Incision and Notch Tool (currently obtainable from the Treasure Boxes type 2/AoA Vip boxes type 2) in the slot to the right, and click the Confirm button. Type 1 tools create the first slot, type 2 tools create the second one, and so on, up to 5 slots (only 1st slot is currently available ingame).
Amplitude Organ Composing:
This option, similar to the chips/crystals composing one, allows you to combine several Amplitude Organs to reach one of a higher rank.
As in the other cases, you place up to 5 organs (varying success rate) in the slots, click the Compound button, and done.
Amplitude Organ Socketing Embeding:
Similar to the cabin/core socketing function, this interface allows you to place the organs inside the slotted parts.
In a similar fashion to the other socketing interface, you place the part in the lone slot to the left, while filling the grid with the organs.
Amplitude Organ is Dismantled:
As its name indicates, this option allows you to remove organs from the part.
- Place the part in the top left slot.
- Place a Dismantling Organ Tool (currently obtainable from the Treasure Boxes type 2/AoA VIP boxes type 2, credits to Myr for that info) in the top right slot.
- Click the Confirm button.
I believe there is a % based chance that the removed organ(s) will be destroyed, as well as the slot they occupied.
Hi LordX,
A question if u may?
I really don't understand, what is the point of doing part transplant anyway?
Without part transplant, you have a r19 part with 2 stats (default blue one, and the blue/orange one you add); with part transplant, you have a r19 part with 3 stats (2 purple ones, and the blue/orange one you add).
I got what u mean now, the blue part acts as a medium before u get ur hands on the purple,
and once u have the purple, transplant it to the blue, rather than do a new compose on the purple.
It's like a way for impatient people that doesn't have purple part. Hehe. Thanks for clearing my doubt. Wished ur still playing in game though.
Yeah its something like that, I don't remember if Part Composition can be done directly on a purple r19 one though, or if it can only be done on a blue/gray one.
I don't think I ll be going back to AoA, besides university is taking quite a bit of my time atm, so I can't play any mmo's anyways.
Oh you're still in university. Figures, but sometimes i laid of playing games at times during my college year. :P
Anyway, u can compose straight to purple ones, which is actually quite beneficial in a sense of CS usage, but seeing how the chances are made on getting a specific part on the game, i guess i'll be better off on doing transplant method until the purple part drops in from the vip gift boxes. =)
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